Thank you for attending VINCUE UNLEASHED 2023! Please take a minute to let us know how we did. We’ll use your responses to improve our products, services, and events – and we’ll start working on making VINCUE UNLEASHED 2024 the best one yet!

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Your honest feedback is important to us. We would like permission to share your feedback internally and externally, and to contact you about your responses. We also want to respect your privacy if you prefer to remain anonymous. Please indicate your preferences before moving forward.

Feedback Consent *

general event feedback

Please provide general feedback about the event itself, including preparation logistics, and attendance.

1 = Completely Disagree
3 = Somewhat Disagree
5 = Neither Agree or Disagree
8 = Somewhat Agree
10 = Completely Agree

conference ratings and reviews

Please provide honest and candid feedback about the event sessions, speakers, and activities.

1 = Not Great, 5 = Great

Overall Rating for UNLEASHED Conference (Speakers, Sessions, Activities)
Overall Rating for UNLEASHED Networking Events (Office Open House, J. Rieger Co.)
Rate Individual Speakers, Sessions, & Activities *


Coach Donnie Campbell, What's your Leadership MVP *
What's your MVP? Leadership Lessons from the coach who inspired Ted Lasso.
Development & Leadership Panel, Moderated by Angela Rizzo *
Experiences and lessons learned in professional and team development from automotive leaders; featuring Angela Rizzo (Moderator), and Danelle Delgado, Hugh Palmer, and Chris Morgan (Panelists).
Tim Cox (Founder, CarNow), Prioritizing Significance over Success *
Keynote: Prioritizing Significance over Success
What went well? What didn't go well? Did the session support the event? Did you learn something from the session?


Glenn Lundy (800% Club), Consistent Discipline Compounds Daily *
Consistent discipline compounded daily equals transformation.
Dealer Process Briefs (Chris Morgan, Holman; Hugh Palmer, Beaver Toyota; Steve Gilman, Bill Marsh Auto; John Ellis, Toothman Ford) *
Bill Donius, Unlocking the Left Side of your Brain *
Using non-dominant hand-writing to unlock creative thinking.
Best New Idea Challenge *
Come up with a new process, strategy, methodology, or product to solve new and current challenges.
What went well? What didn't go well? Did the session support the event? Did you learn something from the session?


Chris Hoke (Found/CEO, VINCUE) & Danny Zaslavsky (Co-Founder, Managing Partner, VINCUE), Vehicle Lifecycle Management & VINCUE Product Roadmap *
9 Features You Should be Using in VINCUE (Presented by VINCUE Performance Managers) *
Performance Management Panel (Moderated by Jasen Rice, Lotpop) *
Performance Management Office Hours *
Table-based conversations between dealers and Performance Managers.
Best New Feature Challenge (Presented by Josh Van Auken, VINCUE Product Manager) *
What went well? What didn't go well? Did the session support the event? Did you learn something from the session?

leave a public review

If you had a positive experience, we would appreciate if you left a review that we can use for promotional purposes next year and beyond.

Public Event Rating

submit responses

Thank you for your responses, they will be used to improve our services, events, and partnerships - and to start planning VINCUE UNLEASHED 2024!